Latest Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser Trailer Promises That the Sinful Will Be Punished

A recent Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer makes it clear that nothing has changed on the show: death will still be a big part of life in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. As Jonathan Price says over the Trailer’s images, “We are sinful creatures. We deserve death, we all do.” Daenerys has apparently been captured by the Dothraki, but a soaring dragon gives hope that her captivity will be short-lived.

Cersei still sports the severe cropped ‘do she got during her comeuppance last season, but her face shows a new sternness that can’t be good for her enemies. And then there is Bran Stark, who apparently has grown up a lot since we last saw him, and is barely recognizable in the short image we get of him. Finally, there is what is NOT in the trailer: Jon Snow. Hmm.

Game of Thrones returns  April 26th on HBO. What are your thoughts? What questions are you hoping get answered this season? Tell us below!