Every Piece of Rock Band DLC for Rock Band 4 on PC… Only $2500

So you like Rock Band, huh? I mean you  really, REALLY like Rock Band? Well then, a mere $2500 dollars for every last piece of DLC the franchise has ever received is pocket change, right?

Rock Band Brutal

That’s the opportunity facing PC gamers who back Harmonix’s bid to get Rock Band 4 to PC via Fig (Similar to Kickstarter). If you just so happen to be a super, megafan of wailing out on plastic instruments who has a fat bank account, you can back at the highest tier to get it all. The whole she-bang. Other platforms for Rock Band have access to almost every song that exists in the franchise’s archives but the sad fact is that Rock Band 4 for the PC comes with no previous DLC content. $2500 is no small sum though and you almost wonder if the offer is more of an attempt to secure the over one million still needed out of its 1.5 million dollar campaign… that’s also running out of time. 11 days and counting down.

There’s no doubt that this option is way cheaper than the alternative of shelling out for songs on their own at a couple bucks a pop, but it’s unlikely they’ll see many people take the plunge for such an exorbitant amount all at once. All in all there will be well over 2000 songs in the package and there’s even reports that Harmonix may look to extend this offer on to the PS4 and Xbox One as well.

What do you think? Is the writing on the wall for the campaign? Would you drop that kind of cash? Let us know in the comments.