Free Rock Band 4 Song for SCRUFF Users

Harmonix Music Systems and Perry Street Software today announced a partnership between Rock Band 4 for both Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and SCRUFF for Apple iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

SCRUFF members can download a free song by the Boston-based five-piece garage rock band the Barbazons, playable within Rock Band 4.

Rock Band 4 Hero Revised

To obtain a code for the song, users need to RSVP for the Rock Band 4 event within the SCRUFF app. When SCRUFF members RSVP to receive the exclusive content code, they will also see and be able to chat with other SCRUFF members who have RSVP’d and are fellow players of Rock Band 4. In addition, Rock Band players will be able to rock SCRUFF t-shirts on their in-game avatars when the Rock Band 4 free title update launches on December 8th.

Source: Press Release from Harmonix