Destiny 2 Easter Egg Tracks Accidental Deaths at the Traveler

Please Stop Dying at the Tower; Destiny 2 Easter Egg is Watching

Look, you like to have fun in Destiny 2 at the Tower, we get it. You like to play the “floor is lava” game, you like to bounce the balls, and you like to push your friends off the edge into the abyss. Well, STOP IT. The last one, anyway. Bouncing balls is good, clean fun. But dying? UNACCEPTABLE. And a new Destiny 2 Easter Egg is tracking every player’s little shenanigans.

Found by Twitter user [REZO] Fury, there’s a plaque that counts the site’s days since the last accident:

While a small Easter Egg, it is accurately counting every accident that happens on the Traveler’s social space, so QUIT JUMPING OFF THE SIDE.

Destiny 2 easter egg