Ratchet and Clank Video Review – It’s SO SHINY

A Ratchet and Clank video review? Right this way, sir!

Ratchet & Clank was a staple franchise on PS2 and PS3. Now that there’s a movie coming out, the classic Ratchet & Clank has been remastered for PS4. What better way to celebrate than with a Ratchet and Clank video review to show off how unbelievably shiny this game is? Spoiler: It’s freakin’ shiny!

Intrepid Executive Editor and reviewer Shawn Petraschuk lent his dulcet tones to this Ratchet and Clank video review, and his enthusiasm for the game is pretty clear! You can find his full review over here, but here are some highlights.

  • Don’t you dare call it a ‘remaster’… this is a re-imagining. The term remaster sells this game short in spades.
  • There are only a few rare moments where it misses the mark, and they’re so rare in fact that I almost feel petty even mentioning them.
  • Stand outs include the return of the dance party inducing Groovitron and the Pixelizer, which does exactly what you think it would
  • Cut scenes are indeed Pixar quality or better

Well, viewers? What do you think of the freshly polished Ratchet & Clank? Is it worth the price of admission? Will the movie be worth watching? Only time will tell, but we’d love to hear your opinion over on Twitter!