Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Review
Pokemon Shining Pearl and Brilliant Diamond are here to help you relive those gen 4 glory days! Packed with charm, cute Pokemon and even beauty contests, find out if this remake holds up to modern releases in the franchise.
Every fan of Pokemon has their favorite generation. There’s that one release that will personally resonate, possibly due to the time it was first played it. For many, that was Diamond and Pearl. Widely regarded as a strong entry in the series, and deservedly next in line for the remake treatment, Nintendo has released Brilliant Diamon and Shining Pearl. With several updates and refinements, newcomers to the series ILCA look to improve the core gameplay and overhaul the visuals but is it enough to warrant a return trip to the Sinnoh region? Check out our video review below to find out.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are available now, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch and you can read our full review here. Are you ready to dive back into a classic? What are your thoughts on the controversial art style? Will Pokémon Legends: Arceus be the ultimate release in the franchise? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter, and don’t forget to subscribe to us on YouTube for more great video game content.
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