Madden NFL 21 Loads in 32 Seconds on Xbox Series X

Series X Madden NFL 21 Gameplay Video

Itโ€™s true, it takes nearly half the time to load Madden NFL 21 on the Series X than it does on current-gen systems. Granted, our video below doesnโ€™t show the entire load time, but we have tested the load times and can confirm it loads-up significantly quicker than it does on current consoles.

Madden NFL 21 on Xbox One X takes around a minute to load up. On the Xbox Series X, it takes around 32 seconds (32.16 to be exact). That is the total time from selecting the game from the Xbox Series X home screen to getting into the main Madden NFL 21 dashboard where you select which mode youโ€™d like to play. Madden is notoriously slow when it comes to load times so a 32-ish second load time is awesome. Hopefully, next-gen Madden is even faster!

Check out this video between the Seattle Seahawks and the KC Chiefs. A potential Super Bowl preview and just like every Seahawks game this year, it comes down to the final seconds.

We hope you enjoyed the video. Overall, it just runs better on Series X. Animations seem smoother. There are no slowdowns or frame rate issues. Itโ€™s butter smooth and you just gotta love how fast it loads. It looks good, so we are certainly hopeful next-gen Madden can look even better.

Keep in mind, this is NOT the next-gen version of Madden NFL 21. This is current-gen played as a backwards compatible title on the Series X. On December 4th, the next-generation versions of Madden NFL 21 will be available worldwide.

Thank you for keeping it locked on COGconnected.

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