New Weapons, More Loot and New Characters Shine in Borderlands 3 Gameplay Video

Borderlands 3 Amara Siren Gameplay E3 2019

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the return of the beloved franchise about guns, guns, and more guns, and with E3 we finally had a chance to go hands on and see what Borderlands 3 would have to offer. Of course the game is going to offer some new mechanics and a brand new graphical polish will retaining that classic charm the franchise has always carried, but what more could you really ask for from a series about obliterating psychopaths in a hail of bullets and grenades? Check out our gameplay footage below and let us know what you think about this long awaited sequel.

Borderlands 3 brings all the mayhem you know and love with a few new changes to the series. Of course you can expect to see four all new Vault Hunters with their own unique powers with Moze and FL4K possibly being the two most interesting additions with Moze summoning a large mech and FL4K controlling wild beasts to do his bidding. The randomized weapon system returns with an overhaul of new features such as throwing your gun away to “reload’ having having it explode, yet the greatest new feature is the complex and stacking mods for grenades. Instead of having sticky or bouncing or healing grenades, they now offer a whole host of options such as a bouncy grenade that explodes into guns that fire in all directions and much much more.

borderlands 3 Gameplay

Borderlands 3 is set for release on September 13 and will be playable on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. For more information, check out the game’s official website.