5 Reasons Why You Should be Watching Marvel’s Jessica Jones

A Ruthless Brutal Villain

Kilgrave is one of most terrifying villains we have seen in a long time. When you mix his sadistic attitude with his powers of mind control, you have one terrifying dude. Kilgrave who is played perfectly by David Tennant who uses his mind control on just about everyone and not just those who he needs to control. Look at him the wrong way, and he will have you throw a cup of hot coffee in your face. Imagine a villain who has the ability to tell someone to do something such as stab themselves and that person is unable to stop until the massacre is complete. Not only that, but Killgrave can take over and ruin someone’s life with a simple task like leaving your crying child on the street or having to play cello for hours.

Jessica Jones Kilgrave


The Best Friend is Actually Interesting

The typical best friend of the superhero has been seen time and time again. The one that knows their friend’s secret and tries to cover for them. But this is another area that Jessica Jones is different, with Trish. At the start, she seems like a disposable character, the pretty blonde best friend who is the star of a highly popular talk show. Yet the more we learn about Trish, the more we see that there is more to her. Trish is a victim of childhood abuse who is jealous of Jessica’s abilities as she wants to be a hero as well. Oh and she isn’t afraid to stand up to Kilgrave. Jessica Jones Trish 2

You Don’t Need Any Previous Knowledge

One of the major questions I get when I tell people to watch Jessica Jones is “Do I need to read the comics?” or “I don’t know anything about her or the Marvel Universe”. The short answer is: You don’t need to know anything about comics or Marvel in order to watch and enjoy this show. And no, you do not need to have watched Daredevil either. Sure, fans of the show will enjoy the little Marvel Easter eggs littered throughout the show. But that does not take anything away from the enjoyably. A casual viewer does not need to research anything before watching. Have I convinced you yet? Overall, Jessica Jones has more in common with Veronica Mars than the Avengers. She doesn’t wear a costume and save people. She is a damaged character with flaws, working through them. Yet she is relatable and real. You understand the characters motives and reasoning behind their actions. The show will make you laugh with Jessica’s witty comments and horrify you with the villain with no remorse. You don’t know who Jessica Jones is yet, but you should.