Far Cry Primal – Guide to Becoming the Ultimate Beast Master


Variations: Normal, Rare Black

Strength: ++

Speed: ++++

Stealth: +++++

A master in stealth, the jaguar is equipped with the ability to kill unsuspecting enemies without alerting others. This combined with the exceptional speed makes this a good pet to take on outpost conquests. You can take out entire camps unseen from a bush just commanding the jaguar to pick people off.

4 - Jaguar (800x450)


Variations: Normal

Strength: +++

Speed: ++++

Stealth: ++++

Hunting packs of animals is difficult because they will scatter into the forest at the first sign of trouble. Leopards tag any animals in your surroundings to make it easier to track them down. They have a healthy balance between speed and strength so they can take down most animals if you command them to.

5 leopard (800x445)

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