Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC – 5 Tips and Tricks To Boost Your Chances of Survival

Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC Tips & Tricks

Bethesda is treating us to a smorgasbord of fresh content for Fallout 4, with the new survival mode update the challenge is ramped up to all new heights, consoles are in beta for modding support and now the new Far Harbour DLC dropped taking us to an all new setting portraying an irradiated Maine. This is the biggest DLC in Bethesda’s history — if you took a break from Fallout 4, it’s high time you revisit the wasteland. For those making the journey into Far Harbor, I’ve scrambled a few tips to prepare you for the treacherous journey into the foggy abyss so you don’t wind up becoming Mirelurk dinner.

Read Our Official Far Harbor DLC Review

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Buddy Up With Nick Valentine

For the love of all synths bring Nick Valentine along while you travel. Far Harbors story revolves around solving a missing person case. A distraught family reaches out to Nick Valentines secretary to find their daughter Kasumi and she tasks you with solving the mystery. From a narrative standpoint, bringing Nick along opens up a ton of new dialogue options and as the story dives deeper into the world of synths, you uncover a whack-load of new backstory for Nick but only by having him as your companion — plus we all love his sarcastic wise-cracks don’t we?

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Bring Your Best, Leave The Rest

Far Harbor DLC delivers all new characters, weapons, and armor, before stepping on the boat and sailing to brave new (irradiated) lands make sure you take only what you need to survive and leave everything else behind, there’s no sense in coming with a full inventory just to have to drop all your items when you keep finding new gear and believe me, there’s no shortage of new pickups including the Harpoon gun, wet suit and Marine Combat Armor.

Click on through to PAGE 2 for the remaining Far Harbour DLC tips and tricks.