The Big 5 – The Five Biggest Games of June 2016

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness – tri-Ace / Square Enix – June 28 (PS4)

When the new entry into the Star Ocean series was announced there was a collective cry of joy from JRPG fans around the world. We last saw the franchise on the Xbox 360 and PS3 with Star Ocean: The Last Hope and it was one of the best JRPG experiences the last gen had to offer. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness takes place on the planet Faykreed, a mere 6000 light years away from Earth and the story slots you in between the events of the second and third games in the main series of the franchise. Celebrated for its battle system and captivating story lines this is one that is sure to grab a lot of attention this month when it releases on June 28th.


The Technomancer – Spiders – June 28 (Multiplatform)

I hope you don’t have anything to do from around June 28th forward because this is the fourth game on our list that is releasing on that day. Published by Focus Home Interactive and developed by Spiders, The Technomancer is the studio’s follow-up to Mars: War Logs. While Mars had a lot of great ideas that ultimately fell short on the final product it looks like The Technomancer is setting to leant from all those mistakes. An open world, sci-fi RPG you are a novice technomancer on the Red Planet who is on the run from the secret police. This, of course, is all while trying to survive during the War of Water that is taking place nearly 200 years after humans colonized the barren landscape.


Mirror’s Edge Catalyst – EA DICE – June 7 (Multiplatform)

Faith Connors is back in the city of Glass and she brought a ton of new an improved parkour abilities with her. Very likely the single most anticipated game on this month’s roster the story here will focus on Faith’s origin and her attempt to overthrow a totalitarian conglomerate of corporations who rule the city. The first game in the series was universally well-received and has since become sort of a cult classic. With revamped combat and even more options for traversal this fast-paced sequel looks to make a big splash. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst releases on June 7th.

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