10 Most Terrifying Moments in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

3. Marguerite Boss Fight

Now while the entire fight is mentally scarring as the deformed wife of Jack the Ripper crawls on the wall, her initial reveal in her “evolved” state is the part that made me drop my controller. Resident Evil 7’s sound design is impeccable, to the detriment of my heart rate, and this can be best examined at that very moment as Marguerite chimes, “Gotcha!” I can still hear it in my sleep.

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2. Chainsaw To The Hand

Involving the always lovely Mia again, the player returns to the first house only to be attacked by the Blair Witch once again. But this time, Mia isn’t playing fair. I didn’t think Capcom would go his far, but the sensation I felt while I desperately tried to pull a screwdriver out of my palm only for my arm to be sliced in half was, predictably, a sickening feeling. A couple of staples should hold it together… right?

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1. Lucas’ Happy Birthday Tape

The single most terrifying moment in Resident Evil 7 comes by way of a tape that Ethan watches of Lucas torturing a captive. The popping balloons and the superb dummy scripted event are great, but the demise of the test subject and the sounds that came out of his mouth is where the real terror lies. As the poor man lights the candle only for Lucas’ explosion to go off, the floor becomes engulfed in flames with no way out. The screams of Lucas’ captive almost ruined the rest of the game’s freights as there was still almost half of the game left to go. Maybe the real horror was giving the player just enough time to think that they could escape death, as they desperately looked for a way out.

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What parts of Resident Evil 7 scared you the most? Sound off in the comments below!