10 Great Moments From Microsoft’s E3 2016 Press Conference
Another E3 has come and gone, and that means it’s time to take a look back and process all that happened. As always, the press conferences ended up being one of the biggest focuses of the week, and both Microsoft and Sony had pretty solid showings if not spectacular ones. Many called that Sony took the prize, which may be true, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft didn’t bring some heat. Let’s take a look at 10 great moments from their press conference.
Xbox One S
I won’t be purchasing an Xbox One S, but I’m glad that Microsoft is improving their system. The plan is likely to make the Xbox One S replace the regular Xbox One as the lower priced version of the Xbox over time, and it’ll do great in that role. The system won’t be for those looking for the best specs in the long-term (but Microsoft does have a solution for those consumers), but it’ll do just fine in its current role.
Highest Quality Pixels
Sure, it was incredibly dumb to claim that Project Scorpio would have the highest quality pixels, but aren’t the memes that come out of E3 half the fun? I’m glad that Microsoft was able to contribute some laughs, since some of the other conferences (looking at you EA and Bethesda) had bad moments that weren’t redeemably funny.
Project Scorpio Was Pitched Correctly
One of my biggest questions about both Project Scorpio and Neo was how the publishers will be pitching these upgraded systems. Now I know how Microsoft handled it, and I have to say I loved how they pitched Scorpio. The big key was that the pitch was coming from game developers who want gamers to be able to play the best version of their games on consoles. It was a compelling listen, and if this means Fallout 4 with VR support is possible now then that’s awesome. Gamers are going to benefit in the long-term here, even if they aren’t looking forward to spending more money (who ever is?).
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