Brilliant Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Xbox One & PS4 Owners

Video Game Socks

Not many kids (or adults for that matter) like getting socks or underwear in their stockings, but how about video game socks. The Destiny socks are my personal favorite, but the socks on Amazon range from Pokemon to Zelda to Minecraft. Just like the Funko figures there are a glut of affordable options and there is no question they are a perfect item for any gamer’s stocking. Portal-Socks Purchase Socks HERE. 

Turtle Beach – Star Wars X-Wing Pilot Gaming Headset

Affordable headsets are hard to come by and you would think that a Star Wars Headset from Turtle Beach would cost a mint but that is not the case at all. The X-Wing Pilot headset will cost you around $60 bucks and has a design inspired by the signature orange jumpsuits worn by the Starfighter Pilots of the Rebel Alliance. No question there are better headsets on the market but for the price these 40mm Neodymium speakers deliver solid highs and thundering lows. Star-Wars-X-Wing-Pilot-headset Purchase Headset HERE.

Loot Crate or Nerd Block Subscription

Loot Crate and Nerd Block are two big subscription box companies and they are all the rage right now. For good reason too, they both consistently distribute fantastic stuff for nerds. Loot Crate is a bit cheaper than Nerd Block but you really you can’t go wrong with either one. If you purchase more than a month’s worth, this can be a costly present but it is one that can keep giving all year long. Nerd Block includes a t-shirt in every box while Loot Crate inserts a few t-shirts throughout the year. So keep that in mind when making the decision. Nerd Block Purchase Nerd Block HERE. Purchase Loot Crate HERE.

Console Skins

This is one item where I would recommend you do a little research. There are a lot of crappy console skins out there so when in doubt I would pick the ones with solid review scores and who may be a little more expensive. The prices are all over the map as some are as cheap as under $10 bucks while others can cost around $40. Console skins give your Xbox One or PS4 a little personality, so in my view this is yet another can’t miss stocking stuffer item. console skin Purchase Console Skins HERE. Have you got any stocking stuffer ideas we missed? Tell us in the comments below.