Star Wars Battlefront Has a Double XP Event Going on Right Now Until Monday

Looking for a way to rank up quicker in Star Wars Battlefront?

Well, you can boost your score and earn extra credits all weekend during the “Double Score” weekend which started yesterday and ends on Monday, December 21 at 1 AM PST.

battlefront hoth

We reviewed Battlefront last month and had this to say about the game:

So should you play Battlefront? It’s an extremely polished and tight shooter that offers an unparalleled experience in the Star Wars universe. For 10 hours, you’ll be thrilled. Beyond that, you’re going to run out of things to do. But those 10 hours are a blast. I’m going in circles. Battlefront is a great experience that there just isn’t enough of to A) justify the price and B) give the experience staying power. Casual shooter fans will probably be delighted, but seasoned Stormtroopers will probably be left wanting more. Which side do you fall on? Search your feelings.