Scorn Brings the Grotesque to PS5 Today

PlayStation Prepares for Scorn 

Kepler Interactive’s horrifyingly uncomfortable puzzle FPS is preparing for a journey to a new platform. Bringing all of the horror, discomfort, and biotechnical horror one could hope for, the critically acclaimed horror game is happy to be spreading. Today, Kepler is happy to announce that Scorn is arriving on PlayStation 5 alongside a launch trailer. Additionally, a press release provides some of the horrific details of the game for those who have yet to try it. 

Scorn introduces players to a hellscape of biochemical weaponry and horror. As players navigate this labyrinth of machinery, they will try to keep their sanity, solving puzzles as they attempt to survive. Despite appearances, the decaying maze is far from abandoned. As players navigate the maze they will come face-to-face with the denizens of the maze, not to mention the puzzles that will block the path at seemingly every turn. Obviously, the denizens aren’t very friendly. In fact, they are monstrous creatures that roam the maze, and they aren’t happy you are here. 

Importantly, the PlayStation 5 version of Scorn puts the system’s signature DualSense features to use. For instance, players can feel the haptic feedback of the controllers as they explore the hellscape before them. Check out the launch trailer for a glimpse of the PS5 version of the game. 

Scorn is available now on PC, via Steam, and the Xbox Series X/S. Now, the game is also available on the PlayStation 5. So, are you ready for a nightmarish experience?