A Horrifying Halloween Treat
It’s time to make the world a little more dead. The living have had it too good for too long. It’s important to note, that you can mess them up. You do have an entire kingdom of the dead at your beck and call. Today, Gameparic is horrifically delighted to announce the release of their city-builder, tower defense game, NecroCity, to Steam. The game allows players to build their own undead city and push back against the armies of the living that would see them destroyed. Additionally, with the launch of the game, players can test their mettle in the new Endless Mode. Furthermore, a release trailer provides players with a look at the game.
NecroCity places players in the shoes of an Undead Prince. In an effort to make a name for themselves, players will take on the task of defending the undead Ziggaurat from the armies of the living. Of course, in order to undertake this enormous challenge, players will need to expand the kingdom. This means, building their army, setting up outposts, managing resources, and more. Gamers are able to construct their kingdom as it expands over a grid-like play map.
Of course, NecroCity is also bringing an endless mode with the game’s full release. In this mode, players can test themselves against a never-ending horde of enemies. Check out the release trailer for a glimpse of all of the undead action. View the trailer below.
NecroCity is out now for PC via Steam. In fact, the game is currently 50% off for a launch sale. There couldn’t be a better time to lead the dead to victory.