Railgunners Firing All Engines With Release Today

Prepare for a Bullet Storm 

There is no safe strategy here. In fact, this bullet hell is going to bend genres beyond what you could even be ready for. Whether you are a veteran bullet hell enthusiast or brand new to the genre, challenges await. Today, Expresso Game Studios is excited to announce that their bullet hell shooter, Railgunners, is out now on Steam Early Access. Allowing players to jump into a highly customizable shooter experience, the game reflects the arcade classics from the nineties with sidescrolling action. A press release provides more details on the game. Additionally, an Early Access trailer gives players a better look at what they can expect from the game. 


Railgunners launches players into a shoot-em-up that aims to offer a new kind of experience. Battling through 17 different levels, players will choose between three different characters. Importantly, each character boasts a different playstyle players can adapt to in order to defeat enemies and clear levels. However, players shouldn’t expect an easy time. Each level provides players with procedurally generated enemies to battle. Importantly, Railgunners’ core gameplay loop revolves around memorizing enemy patterns and maintaining their offense to survive. Any slip-up results in failure. However, the procedural generation ensures that no two replays are ever the same. 

Of course, players can get a better look at Railgunners in the Early Access trailer for the game. Importantly, the trailer shows off the gameplay and art style of the game. View the trailer below. 

Railgunners is out now on Steam Early Access.