Xbox Announces New Safety Reporting Features Platform-Wide

Capture Now Report Later on Xbox

It’s no secret that sometimes the gaming community is not the nicest place to be. Between cheaters, hackers, and genuinely toxic individuals, sometimes players may wish there was more they could do to remove these problem players. Luckily now there may just be. Today, Xbox is proud to announce its newest platform-wide safety feature, reactive voice reporting. Importantly, this new feature provides players with the opportunity to report inappropriate in-game voice chats. A press release provides more details about this new feature. 


The Reactive Voice Reporting feature aims to be the final piece in a safety coverage that includes voice, video, and text. Importantly, the process gives players the option to follow the “capture now, report later” process. This process means players can capture the problem behavior with minimal interruptions to their gameplay. Of course, these 60-second clips live on a player’s console for twenty-four hours. This gives players ample time to send the clip off to the Xbox Safety Team for review. 

Interestingly, this new feature was constructed through meticulous research. Gathering info, from both the player community and Xbox Ambassadors, the feature will release first to Xbox Insiders for a beta period before releasing to the general player base. Furthermore, alongside this new safety feature, players can look forward to new notification systems. This means players will know the outcomes of their report as well as the actions Xbox has taken against the player. 

These new features are currently available to Xbox Insiders. The feature will launch in English-speaking markets initially with other languages currently in development.