Dave The Diver Makes a Huge Splash With 1 Million Sales

Massive Waves 

One million divers are now adventuring beneath the waves. That is by no means a small number. Today, developer MINTROCKET is excited to announce that their genre-bending adventure game, Dave the Diver, has successfully sold a cumulative one-million copies. As the studio’s debut game, this is no small feat. In addition to its success, the game has also been praised by Metacritic and Opencritic both granting the game an 89% score. Of course, the game is an interesting twist on management sims and adventure games. 

Dave The Diver

Dave the Diver is a genre-bending adventure game that introduces players to the titular character. Dave lives his life as a diver yet he has much bigger dreams. Overall, his goal is to run a successful sushi restaurant. Yet, in order to do so, players will need to risk diving into the ocean depths of a giant underwater cave. Importantly, the cave is ever-changing and players can always discover new species. These species allow players to come up with more and more recipes for customers to enjoy. However, be warned, the cave is home to gigantic monstrosities that threaten your life on every expedition. Yet, there’s money to be made. Making money from the restaurant allows players to buy new equipment and head even deeper into the cave. 

Those gamers who have yet to head under the waves with Dave can check out the launch trailer. View the trailer below. 

Dave the Diver is currently out now on Steam. At this time its Steam rating is overwhelmingly positive with over 28,000 reviews. A huge congratulations to MINTROCKET for selling one-million copies of Dave the Diver.