Haunted House Reboot in the Works From Atari

The Re-Hauntening

A long, long time ago, in the distant era known as 1982, there was a game called Haunted House. It was a very simple game, where the player was represented only by a pair of eyes that could move from room to room. This week, Atari announced that they are revisiting this IP with a full modern remake.

The original game had a series of 24 rooms with items randomly hidden among them. Rooms also had random obstacles or benefits, such as a well lit room, a completely dark room, or one with enemies. In this way, each run could be different.

Haunted House

Atari’s new take on Haunted House will be quite different. It will be built on stealth and light combat mechanics with rougelite elements. Players will begin the game as Lyn Graves, whose uncle is the legendary treasure hunter Zachary Graves. Lyn will be able to free several of her friends who have become trapped in the house.

With multiple unlockable characters and the mention of roguelite elements, we can assume a couple of things. It is likely that each character will have some advantage over the others or unique skills.

The images shared by Atari shows the game with an isometric perspective. Lyn will have multiple item slots and the ability to upgrade her skills for future runs.

Atari so far has no release window available, but hopefully they share more information soon. Haunted House will be coming to PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

Have you played the original Haunted House? Let us know in the comments below.