You Keep Using That Word
Announced in 2014 and finally released nine years later, Dead Island 2 is officially out. Through development Hell and back, this game has overcome all odds and is actually pretty enjoyable. Of course, in following the decorum of such a long-delayed game, there is a bit of a hitch.
There are some content packs that are troubling some fans, particularly the ones that bought the Deluxe, Gold, or Hell-A Editions. The character packs for Amy and Jacob which were said to be downloadable “soon after release” are now going to be released “in the summer.”
These character packs have a couple of conflicting pieces of information concerning their availability. Just last week, the developers said that they were included as part of a pre-order bonus for those enhanced editions above. However, on digital platforms, they are bundled with those editions of Dead Island 2.
We’re aiming to deliver character packs to Gold/Deluxe/HELL-A Edition owners in the summer.
— Dead Island (@deadislandgame) April 21, 2023
While there is a very brief overlap between “soon after release” and “in the summer”, there are a couple of things we should point out. The character packs include cosmetics, as well as exclusive weapons. These weapons can be used by any character, but it does not appear they can be purchased separately.
The Expansion Pass is another item that cannot be redeemed until later, like most expansion/season passes. Being informed that you do not have immediate access to something you have paid for does sting. However, maybe we as gamers should also reconsider what “pay now/get later” content we do and do not accept.
Dead Island 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
What is your take on this kerfuffle? Let us know in the comments below.
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