Apex Legends Ballistic Trailer Shows Off More Of His Powers
Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment hit the jackpot with the release of Apex Legends as a battle royale many years ago. Since then, the companies have created a flourishing game, with several content updates, maps, heroes and more. In a recent trailer, the team showed off Arsenal’s ballistic trailer with his backstory and more. The character will be available on May 9th, 2023, in an upcoming update with other benefits and content. The game is available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox platforms.
In the trailer, the character is described as, “Before there were Legends, there was Ballistic. He’s back in the fray, here to show the Legends, the crowd, and himself that this old dog’s tricks stand the test of time.” Furthermore, he is a refined gunslinger who joined the Apex Games after taking up an offer from the Syndicate. Moreover, the trailer’s animation is fantastic, and gives some insight into the character’s skills, abilities and background.
In Apex Legends, players jump into a fast-paced, action packed battle royale where they must fight for survival. Players can go solo up to teams of three and with a diverse team of heroes, who can use a variety of talents to change the fights in their favor. The game, as a free to play title, has a ton of content to offer and a great game to grind, as it is easy to learn but hard to master in several aspects.
What are your thoughts on Apex Legends? Do you still play the game? Are you enjoying it? What do you think about the upcoming character, Arsenal? Are you interested in his powers and skills? What do you think about the launch trailer? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.