Pokemon Presents: Big News!
As predicted in our last piece of coverage about Nintendo’s Pokemon Presents events, Scarlet and Violet will be getting DLC! “The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero” isn’t just your usual one-and-done DLC affair, it’s split up into two parts!
Part 1, which comes out in fall of this year, is called “The Teal Mask”. Part 2, slated for release in this year’s winter, is “The Indigo Disk”.
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero for Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet is coming!
You’ll be able to adventure for even longer and delve even deeper into the world of Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet with this DLC.
#PokemonScarletViolet pic.twitter.com/WXtnvLv9CD
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) February 27, 2023
As you can expect, each one comes with entirely new content for Scarlet and Violet – from new stories, new customization options, and new lands to explore. According to the official website, we’ll also see pokemon from previous games make a return – over 230, apparently!
Those trainer customization options are available now, actually, as a pre-purchase bonus. Those who order early will also be able to get the Hisuian form of Zoroark as a cherry on top.
The announcement also had an extra treat for those playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet right now! Paradox forms of Virizion and Suicune are both available in-game, in special tera raid battles. Pick them up before they leave! Players suspect they’ll return to availability once the DLC drops, but until then, it looks like this may be your only chance to get these rare pokemon!