Bramble: The Mountain King Ventures onto PC and Consoles in April

Sheโ€™ll Be Coming โ€™round the Mountain

We have an interesting looking game coming out in a couple of months. Imagine a journey of puzzles and obstacles, like Inside or Limbo. Then add in the scale of a game like Grounded, but then make it kind of horrifying, like Elden Ring or Dark Souls. If you put it together right, you get Bramble: The Mountain King.

Brambleโ€™s release date was announced yesterday. The trailer sums up the aesthetic and gameplay-style you can expect. There is kind of a twisted Alice in Wonderland feel to it.

Bramble: The Mountain King

Frightened by his motherโ€™s bedtime story, your character runs out in search of his sister. He stumbles into a fantastical world of giant creatures, shadowy figures, and a land corrupted by the Bramble. Unlike Limbo and Inside, you are not completely defenseless against monsters. You can raise your sword of light against them and fight back.

Bramble: The Mountain King will be coming out on April 27th. It will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. There is currently a demo available on Steam. In this section of the game, the main character Olle will be exploring a place called The Nackenโ€™s Pond.

Will you be giving this game a try? Let us know in the comments below.