A Transmog System May Be Coming to Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 May Get a Transmog System

Cyberpunk 2077 may get a much-wanted transmog system. The ability to change the look of an item is something every loot-based Game should have. I want to make my character look great while having the best stats.

Cyberpunk 2077’s big 1.5 patch brought a lot to the table. From AI improvements driving controls, almost everything was touched up a bit. The patch also seems to have set the groundwork for a future transmog update.


Redditor djkovrik explains what the last update did:

“Patch 1.5 brought some kind of gear hiding system which is disabled for now and internally called ‘transmog’, you can enable it with Game.EnableTransmog() console command for head and face slots or using my Hide Your Gear mod to extend it for all slots (grab Alternative version)”.

The ability to hide your gear is pretty common in RPGs, but the fact that CD Projekt Red is calling this transmog internally is a good sign. Since CD Projekt Red just released a massive update and hasn’t announced this feature at all, it’s safe to say we’ll have a wait before it rolls out. That is if it rolls out at all since nothing is confirmed just yet.

Cyberpunk 2077 is still trying to pull a No Mans Sky right now, and it will be interesting to see what future updates hold. A transmog system in Cyberpunk 2077 would certainly be nice. Really, at this point, there is just no reason for an RPG or a loot-based game to launch without it. By now, these companies know just how much we care about fashion and looking good in our games.

I mean, fashion souls. Even the souls games can’t escape from fashion trend. Asking us to choose looks over stats is no fun at all.
