Latest Trailer Showcases Dying Light 2’s Old Gen Gameplay
Techland is a AAA video game developer that has worked on Dying Light along with Call of Juarez and God’s Trigger. Techland is preparing for the launch of Dying Light 2, a highly anticipated sequel to Dying Light, which originally released in 2015. Although Dying Light has suffered some delays and there has been a seven year gap, Techland and fans alike are excited for its release. Dying Light 2 will be available on both new gen and old gen systems. To ensure old gen fans know what to expect, the company has revealed gameplay footage on old gen systems.
The four-minute long video is fully focused on gameplay. There is no additional commentary nor cutscenes. It follow the protagonist as he navigates the vast world, showing off his parkour skills along the way. The video continues in sequence from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 4 Pro to Xbox One. It then switches to the Xbox One X and back to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
From the video, the gameplay is smooth and the graphics are quite detailed. On the other hand, on PC, the game allows for various modes for players to enjoy!
In Dying Light 2, civilization has fallen back into the Dark Ages as a virus tears apart society once again. Players are gifted with special skills, but they come at a price. Along the way, players must learn the truth while fighting enemies, honing their skills and making allies. The game is available for pre-order here ahead of its launch on February 4th, 2022.
What are your thoughts on Techland? Are you interested in Dying Light 2? Did you enjoy Dying Light? Will you be playing the game on an old gen system? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.