Blizzard Entertainment’s Head Addresses Work Culture And More

Blizzard Entertainment’s Head Addresses Work Culture And More

Blizzard Entertainment is one of the biggest companies in the gaming industry, but 2021 was a tough year to say the least. Fans of the company were disappointed by their games, decisions and various work place allegations were brought to the forefront. The company’s executives were under fire and its reputation tanked. However, with Microsoft’s takeover of Activision-Blizzard announced yesterday, many are hopeful for a turnaround of the company overall. Mike Ybarra, Head of Blizzard Entertainment, released a statement addressing work place culture and more.

activision blizzard female co-head steps down

Ybarra notes that 2021 was a tough year for the company and that the goal is to rebuild the company’s reputation and trust. In an effort to improve the company’s culture, certain steps were taken. These steps included measuring executive success against culture improvement. The two now correlate into better compensation and more. Furthermore, new full-time roles and resources were expended to improve the situation. Thus, teams were put together with a Culture leader and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion leader.

Moreover, Blizzard Entertainment has made staffing teams a priority. This means that they have shared data internally, allowed for upward feedback from employees and tripled the size of their compliance team.

Ybarra noted that these decisions were only the beginning and that he was motivated and excited to bring serious change to the company.

Finally, before thanking the community and internal teams, the company’s lead stated, “We have some exciting things to announce, and I’ll be sharing more next week.” What do you think the upcoming news will be, given the recent major announcement?

What are your thoughts on Blizzard Entertainment? Are you excited for the possibilities following the takeover? What are your most excited for? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.