New Yandere Simulator Update Shows Massive Progress

Itโ€™s a Whole New World!

Depending on who you ask, Yandere Simulator is either an awesome game concept with an understandably-long development cycle, or a patreon-funded content machine thatโ€™s kept people hooked for a suspiciously long wait. But regardless of how you feel, everyone can agree that the gameโ€™s taken a bit too long to come out of the oven. This opinion was shared an expressed by YandereDev, the gameโ€™s creator, in a video that served as a teaser for what was to come.

Entitled โ€œPreparing You For Tomorrowโ€™s Announcementโ€œ, YandereDevโ€™s video briefly summarized the difficulties faced by Yandere Simulatorโ€™s development over the past few years, before a sudden realization and a fade to black hints that a solution may have been found. If the problem was a never-ending demand for new AI patterns, assets, unique mechanics, etcโ€ฆ naturally, a workaround would be to change the scope of the game โ€“ building something that didnโ€™t require all the shiny new features a full game would demand. The newly-added โ€œ1980s modeโ€ seeks to be that experience.

In the new 1980s Mode, you play as the mother of the main gameโ€™s protagonist, and discover that a 40-year time gap doesnโ€™t really mean much in the face of anime โ€œromanceโ€ tropes. Youโ€™re faced with a full suite of rivals for you to work through, and can finally play through something resembling a fully developed game.

The modeโ€™s retro aesthetic is on-point, and provides a stark contrast to Yandere Simulatorโ€™s primary experience. It still has a few carry-over assets from the main game, some of which are hilariously modern for a supposedly-80s style, but given the modeโ€™s intent as a quick lore-friendly showcase of what Yandere Simulator is capable of, itโ€™s understandable that a few things were rushed out the door.