Apex Legends Bangalore Edition Is Now Out With New Skins

Respawn Just Released Apex Legends Bangalore Edition

Apex Legends Bangalore Edition just got released by Respawn. As the versionโ€™s name suggests, the game will be focused on Bangalore. This new version bundles together a variety of new Apex Legends cosmetics for around $20 USD.

Although purchasing the base game is not required for players to enjoy what the Apex Legends Bangalore Edition has to offer, having the collection does give them the exclusive Super Soldier Bangalore skin, the Mark of a Hero weapon charm, as well as the Trusty Sidekick G7 Scout skin. In addition to these amazing cosmetics, Apex Legends Bangalore Edition will also include 1,000 Apex Coinsโ€”which usually cost $10 USDโ€”and an exclusive Striker badge.

apex legends bangalore edition release

The Super Solder skin gives Bangalore a cooler battle-ready look with a red eye mask and a brightly coloured suit. The G7 Scout skin looks pretty similar with the same gold and red overall theme. The Mark of a Hero charm is gold emblem in the shape of a diamond. All of these new items can be used immediately after purchasing Apex Legends Bangalore Edition.

The Apex Legends Bangalore Edition was released on the heels of other character editions for the franchise, namely, Gibraltar, Octane, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder, and Bloodhound. Each of these versions would be considered as DLCs for the base game, which is free to play. Moreover, Apex Legends Bangalore Edition comes with enough Apex Coins to purchase this seasonโ€™s premium battle pass, which costs 950 Apex Coins.

Fans of the Apex Legends franchise can now get the Bangalore Edition on Steam, the PlayStation Store, Xbox Store, Nintendo Store, and Origin. For EA players, the new version can be bought for $18 on EA Play.

Apex Legends Bangalore Edition was released before the reported nerfs for the gameโ€™s new character Seer. The nerfs are said to be launched this week, but patch notes for these changes have not been released yet.