Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.55 Launches Today

Beginning of the End

As the Endwalker expansion draws ever closer, and with it the end of groundbreaking MMORPG Final Fantasy XIVโ€™s current story arc, there are a few loose ends left to tie up and a few more scenes to set. before the grand finale. The critically acclaimed expansion Shadowbringers receives its final story patch today, bringing the story of the Warrior of Lightโ€™s journey into the First to an end.

Patch 5.55 includes the second half of the Patch 5.5 story, setting up the upcoming Endwalker expansion. However, itโ€™s not just plot thatโ€™s coming with Patch 5.55: the Nier: Automata crossover questline is also set to end with the addition of new YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse content. This new content is likely to add to the highly sought-after Nier: Automata gear, bringing more wearable items from the hit Square Enix RPG into the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Outside of crosseovers, Patch 5.55 will introduce new content for the โ€˜Save The Queenโ€™ questline, including the new field area Zadnor, an enhancement of resistance weapons, and a brand new 48-person battle experience in Dalriada.

Also launching today is the PlayStation 5 edition of Final Fantasy XIV, featuring a range of improvements on the PS4 edition such as quicker load times, 4k resolution support, improved framerate and support for the Dualshock 5 controllerโ€™s haptic feedback system. PS5 versions of the Final Fantasy XIV Starter Edition (containing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and its first expansion Heavensward), the Shadowbringers expansion, and the Complete Edition (containing A Realm Reborn and all expansions) are now available through the Playstation Store. If you already have the PS4 version registered to your account, youโ€™ll be able to upgrade to the PS5 version free of charge.

With a whole new generation of players being brought into the game with its extensive Free Trial, the once-troubled MMOโ€™s future is looking bright โ€“ despite its story coming to an end this November.