Swinging In Style, Insomniac Shows Off New Suit for Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Learning The Ropesโ€ฆahemโ€ฆWebs

Insomniac Gamesโ€™ released a brand new teaser, showing off a new look for Miles, and some hints at the story in their highly anticipated followup to the smash hit Spiderman PS4.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Spiderman: Miles Morales is a PS5 launch game from one of Sonyโ€™s crown jewel first party studios, Insomniac. The legendary developer behind the Spyro series delivered a stellar experience with Spider-man PS4, a return to form for the old web-head which we awarded a perfect score. Insomniac has shown off footage of their gorgeous looking sequel, running on PS5 with glorious reflections, eye-watering particle effects, and silky smooth gameplay, and today they released a teaser which included a look at Milesโ€™ new costume.

In an Instagram post designed to look like an article on Daily Bugle Now, Insomniacโ€™s in-universe re-imagining of J. Jonah Jamesonโ€™s infamous anti-spider-man tabloid, the developers give the low-down on how New Yorkers are responding to their new Spider-man. It appears that Miles is still very new to his hero-gig, and the Bugle article mentions that he has been seen around town training with his mentor. Insomniac havenโ€™t said whether or not Peter will be playable in the game, but he will certainly be a presence at the very least.

The post includes a still image of Miles on a rooftop, showing off the snowy New York that will be his playground, and he stares at a computer console featuring the spidey logo as well as a figure performing combat. It seems that these could take the place of the police radar towers that Peter was linking up to in the first game, perhaps tied to Milesโ€™ upgrade tree? Above the console is a hologram of Peter in his Spider-man PS4 suit โ€“ most likely offering the young hero some sage advice or else dispensing a quest. The photo on the post is credited to Justin West, who in real life is a marketing specialist who worked on Spider-man PS4, though whether he has in in-game counterpart remains to be seen.

The Bugle article, which is positive in tone towards the Spider-men, is credited to Robbie Robertson โ€“ who is a canonical ally to Peter Parker at the Bugle. With a storied history in the comics and other media, Roberston could be another mentor figure for Miles, or this may just be a fun nod from the marketing team at Insomniac.

The post ends with a brief teaser video of Miles and Peter web-swinging through the city side-by-side like they did in the excellent Into the Spider-verse film. Mile is even dressed similarly to his counterpoint in the hit movie, with a hoodie and backpack over the top of his suit. The suit underneath is not his classic black and red costume, but rather a red suit that looks like it could be one of Peterโ€™s spares. Certainly this suggests that the clip is from early in the game, and that Peter is supporting Milesโ€™ ascension to hero status. As for where the game picks up, we may get to enjoy some of Miles first clumsy steps as a Spider-person prior to being trained by Peter, maybe in an even more makeshift suit.

What are you most excited for in Spider-man: Miles Morales? I for one canโ€™t wait to try out his venom-strike and stealth powers! Sound off in the comments below!