Smash Bros. Team Working Well From Home, According to Sakurai

There are Certain Benefits to the Lockdown…

In Famitsu’s bi-weekly column, Masahiro Sakurai, the director of Smash Bros. at Nintendo was asked about how the team was handling the lockdown. With a passionate community playing their games more with the quarantine, the constant stream of updates and content has never been important. Thankfully, according to Sakurai, everything is going well and on schedule for the Smash Bros. team, and he even talks about the things he enjoys about the situation.

In the interview, he talked about the time he and the entire team was saving by not having to waste it on transit. If you really think about it, a 30-minute commute (one hour total for going there, then coming back) for a team of a hundred members means you are achieving a hundred more hours of manpower being produced each day. That really adds up. He also talks about the summer weather, and how happy he is to be out of the sweaty offices at Nintendo.

He also talks about how the team has adapted to the situation by utilizing technology like streaming, to be able to still collaborate and show each other’s work without any difficulty.

As terrible as this pandemic has been, many positive changes have been made and are being talked about because of it. Allowing people to work from home has brought to attention how much time is wasted on commenting and how much a few more minutes of sleep can improve productivity. In the long run, we might be seeing lots of benefits from this global event that could make strides in the field of worker’s rights. This also goes to show the importance and interconnectedness that our current technology provides us. Once this is done with, I’m excited to see how much things will change or not change as things return to normal.

Source: NintendoEverything