Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 3 Revealed on the Borderlands Show

Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption

Everybody likes a good olโ€™ fashion Western. That is why Gearbox is heading in that direction for the next Borderlands 3 DLC pack. Earlier today, on a social-distancing edition of the Borderlands Show, Kinda Funnyโ€™s Greg Miller and Fran Mirabella was joined by the DLCโ€™s creative director Matt Cox and the Borderlands 3 Stream Teamโ€™s MitsuShow to talk about a bunch of things, including the upcoming Bounty of Blood DLC. Some concept art was released about two and a half months ago revealing a Western or outlaw theme.

Borderlands 3 DLC

Bounty of Bloodโ€™s subtitle A Fistful of Redemption is both a nod to the Clint Eastwood spaghetti Western movie A Fistful of Dollars and the Red Dead Redemption series, which is still riding high on RDR2. Bounty of Blood will see the Vault Hunters travel to the desert-planet of Gehenna, where they will meet Rose and Juno. With them, you will be facing off against the Devil Riders. A new vehicle will be used for this DLC called Jetbeast, which is โ€œhalf jetbike, and half creature.โ€

One of the differences between this and previous DLCs is that we will apparently not be seeing any familiar faces from previous Borderlands games. However, this announcement comes with new concept art for the fourth DLC and we will indeed see a familiar Vault Hunter for that one. Spoiler alert: itโ€™s Krieg. There is no trailer yet for Bounty of Blood, but with a release date of June 25th, we are sure to get one soon. Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.

Will you bet getting this DLC? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Borderlands