No Russia – Modern Warfare 2 Is Not Available In Russia

What Do You Mean “They Don’t Want to Be Bad Guys”?

Infinity Ward’s 2009 Modern Warfare 2 was remastered and released on March 31st on PS4. The remaster was released quite suddenly, but thanks to all the leaks, not surprisingly. The campaign, while the graphics were updated, the controversial optional mission No Russian remained as part of it. If you opted not to play it when it first released, No Russian has the player take control of an undercover US agent trying to infiltrate a Russian terrorist organisation. To earn their trust, he joins them on an attack on a Russian airport, where the team guns down innocent civilians and security guards. Like, a lot of them.

Modern Warfare 2

The inclusion of No Russian may or may not have affected Sony Interactive Entertainment’s decision to not sell it on the Russian PlayStation Store. That remains to be seen. Regardless, the Call of Duty Russia Twitter account said that Sony decided not to sell it in Russia, but they look forward to the PC and Xbox One release. Back when the 2019 reboot of the Modern Warfare series was in development, a similar choice was made not to sell it on the PlayStation Store in Russia.

It may not be the content itself that swayed Sony to not release this title in Russia, but instead their relationship with the content. While Microsoft may be okay with the game as it is, Sony might like the idea of selling a game in Russia where Russians are the antagonists. We shall see when the game is released on PC and Xbox One worldwide. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered is available now on PS4, and Xbox One and PC on April 30th.

Why do you think it is not beings sold in Russia? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Twitter