PSN Leaks Reveal Hidden Star Wars Title Called Project Marverick

Tell Me More About Project Maverick 

Recent PSN leaks have revealed a new mysterious Star Wars game codenamed Project Maverick. Some of the gameโ€™s art was accidentally added to the European PSN Store. Before it was quickly taken down fans were able to get a good look at the poster. Other than what was shown in the leak, everything else is totally unknown.

Project Maverick

No company has commented on the leak as of yet. It is unlikely we will see anyone from the game studio or PlayStation touch on the issue. Usually, when there are blunders like this, the companies responsible just ignore them like it never happened in the first place. Fans can only guess what this new game is going to be like. If it ever comes to fruition at all.

Judging from the fact that there is already a name and title for the game, it is probable that Project Maverick is in some stage of development. The chances that this is just concept art that was being displayed at a board meeting are low. It would not make sense for something like that to wind up on PSN.

Star War video games have been a bit of a hit or miss topic as of late. Games like Star Wars Battlefront 2 have largely been a disappointment whereas titles like Jedi Fallen Order have been a smash hit that has rejuvenated a lot of fansโ€™ interest back into the franchise. Whatever Project Maverick is, hopefully, it is able to cash in on this momentum and really wow audiences.

Keep in mind that nothing has been confirmed or denied at this point. This Star Wars cover could be a false alarm. We shall see in the coming weeks or months if this ever amounts to anything noteworthy.
