Borderlands 3 Broken Hearts Day Event Comes With Big Improvements

Shot Through the Heart

Whether you are celebrating Valentineโ€™s Day with a special someone or not, Borderlands 3 has something for you to play with. That came out wrong. The Borderlands 3 Broken Hearts Day event has begun. Not only does it come with its own unique features, but it also implements highly requested features from the community. As you can probably tell from the timing and the name, the Broken Hearts Day event is Valentineโ€™s Day themed. It was first announced on the Borderlands Show on February 11th, along with the other incoming features.

Borderlands 3 Broken Hearts Day

Similarly to the Bloody Harvest event, Broken Hearts Day will be a free update. It will also be hosted by our favourite inter-dimensional saurian, Maurice. It seems that Maurice might be our go-to guy for seasonal events. Some enemies will have Hearts, like how some enemies during Bloody Harvest would be Haunted. Collecting Hearts for Maurice will earn you various items like weapons, ECHO skins, and Vault Hunter skins. What is different about this seasonal events, and all seasonal events going forward, is that players who have no interest in it will be able to opt out of this event. If lovey, dovey, mushy stuff isnโ€™t your thing, no problem.

Entirely separately, Borderlands 3 is getting its first level cap increase! Yay! The level cap will be bumped from 50 to 53. Players will also be able to skip cutscenes, whether you have seen them already or not. Players who have beaten the main story have unlocked Guardian Ranks. While these are useful and fun to unlock, they provide bonuses that not everyone is into. Starting today, players will be able to toggle Guardian Ranks on and off. You may say that a 3 level increase is not very much, but understand that the skill trees are designed very specifically, and a more dramatic level increase would offset the balance in a major way. Hopefully, Gearbox will be continuing to balance the game with more level cap increases in mind for the future. Borderlands 3 is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.

Will you be playing the Broken Hearts Day event? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Borderlands