FromSoftware Has (Accidentally?) Posted Elden Ring Release Date

Slip of the Thumb?

FromSoftwareโ€™s project in collaboration with A Song of Ice and Fire writer George R. R. Martin called Elden Ring has had very little news about it. And with Martin doing the world building, a close release date would seem laughable, but the joke may be on us. In a campaign to send out New Year cards to fans, FromSoftware says that the Elden Ring release date will be sometime in June. The New Year cards that are to be sent out can be designed with one of three FromSoftware games; Sekrio: Shadows Die Twice, Metal Wolf Chaos XD, or Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Release Date

The translated description of the cards reads: โ€œYou can choose from three types , โ€ SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE โ€ and โ€ METAL WOLF CHAOS XD โ€ released in 2019, and โ€ ELDEN RING โ€ released in Juneโ€œ. This is very interesting because during the Summer, Target posted a release date for Elden Ring as June 30th, 2020. While this seems like corroboration, it may also just be a mistake. You may think, โ€œIt was posted on FromSoftwareโ€™s own website. How could it be a mistake?โ€ Your olโ€™ pal Zane has a theory. A disappointing one, but a theory nonetheless.

Ever hear of the phrase โ€œlost in translationโ€? This may be the case. Suppose โ€œreleased in Juneโ€ was meant to say โ€œannounced in Juneโ€. Elden Ring was announced at E3 2019, which took place between June 11th and 13th. Since E3, there really hasnโ€™t been any Elden Ring news, so it is difficult to gauge how far along it is. But it also kind of suggests that it is not very far along at all, which would not bode well for a June 2020 release. Sorry to everyone hoping to play Elden Ring this year. It just seems less likely than my theory. Elden Ring will be coming outโ€ฆ sometime?

When do you think we will get our hands on Elden Ring? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: FromSoftware