PUBG Will Have Console Cross-Play For Season 4

Season 4 Starts Next Week on August 27th

PUBG console players will soon be able to play with one another. This news was broken via the Xbox Livestream. Xbox unveiled a new trailer that details the direction of where PUBG will be heading for the foreseeable future. PUBG, the game that brought the battle royale game to the masses originally had its start on the PC but has managed to branch out to consoles over the past few years. PUBG first came out on the Xbox One in 2017 and was later released for the PS4 in late 2018.

PUBG Trailer

A new โ€œbattle passโ€ or season pass will be ready for players in the new season. Much like Fortnite or other games which implement this game mechanic, the season pass rewards players for routinely playing the game. The more you play, the more experience is accumulated which then unlocks skins for weapons and new cosmetic options for your character.

Cross-platform play is becoming more prominent within the video game world. PUBGโ€™s rivals, Fortnite, and Apex Legends both have cross-console play as well. PC players will not be allowed to play with the people on consoles, however. The mouse and keyboard gives the PC player a huge advantage when it comes to the FPS genre or just shooting games in general. The mouse and the keyboard allow players to act much more quickly and aim with greater accuracy.

But keep in mind that this update will not happen until October. So for the next couple of months, everything will be the same. Asides from the new season of course.

PUBG is available for the PC, Xbox One and PS4. You can find the game on Amazon, Steam or the online stores of both the PS4 and Xbox One. Now it a great time to get into PUBG.
