To the Victor Goes the Spoils
The Wasteland is a dangerous place in Fallout 76. Even more so in Survival Mode. The kid-gloves are off when it comes to PVP combat. Yes, it is way more dangerous, but the rewards are much greater as well. A few days ago, Bethesda outlined the rewards for the challenges in the coming weeks. From Week 7 (starting on May 7th) to Week 12 (starting on June 11th) players will be able to acquire six different Legendary Weapons for completing each weekโs challenges. Fallout 76 Survival Mode has a lot of rewards to reap, all you need to do is survive.
For Week 7, players need to complete three challenges to unlock the Legendary Gatling Gun Resolute Veteran. This gun buffs the user, debuffs the target, and increases damage. Week 8 requires players to complete four challenges as a team. This will give players Commanderโs Charge, which increases damage with each consecutive hit on a target. The 9th Weekโs challenges give players the Night Light. The Night Light is a Tesla Rifle that increase effectiveness at night, but decreases during the day. Week 10โs Kingfisher after four challenges. Kingfisher does extra damage to Mirelurks and bugs, increases critical damage in VATS, and charges VATS meter faster.
Week 11โs five challenges unlock the Unstoppable Monster. This is a Legendary Deathclaw Gauntlet increases damage for power attacks, increases damage resistance during power attacks, and does more damage when your health is lower. The final week laid out in the update gives players Salt of the Earth after five challenges. Salt of the Earth is a shotgun that fires an extra projectile, increases damage while aiming, and has a boosted reload speed. You can check out all the details of the challenges and weapons in Bethesdaโs update article, as well as the other improvements.
Will you be on the hunt for these weapons? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: Bethesda