Death Stranding Creator Hideo Kojima Reveals Mary Poppins as Character Inspiration

Death Strandingโ€™s Director Is a Mary Poppins Fan

The Death Stranding hype has been heating up as of late. Most recently, Jordan Vogt-Roberts expressed his positive impressions of the game (โ€œYOU.ARE.NOT.READYโ€), and now Kojima himself is throwing out some more information. In a recent Twitter post, he revealed which of the gameโ€™s characters was inspired by Mary Poppins.

The influence is not surprising given how much of a movie fanatic Kojima is. A quick scroll through his Twitter feed reveals lots about his influences, including David Lynch, who was a big inspiration for Silent Hill series that Kojima almost contributed to. It will be interesting to see how many other movie references are in the game once it finally releases.

Check out this image of the character designs for those weโ€™ve seen thus far.