Rockstar Improves ‘Red Dead Online’ Cash Flow and Will Offer Free Gold

Red Dead Gold Redemption

As soon as Rockstar games launched the Red Dead Online beta, their multiplayer portion for Red Dead Redemption 2. many players noted a disparity from the campaign experience. Specifically, the prices of all vendor items spiked while the value of mission rewards plummeted. At that point, the game’s realism became too much to bear as many players tried to grind themselves out of poverty. The developer has since addressed financial issues in a new update.

On their official site, Rockstar has acknowledged the dismal rate of Red Dead Online cash flow. As such, they’ve offered improvements to nearly every one of the game modes: Free Roam, Showdown, and Series modes shall now offer more greater financial rewards. Furthermore, the prices of guns and other vendor items will be reduced. To show there are absolutely no hard feelings, players who’ve purchased weapons before the update shall have the difference refunded.

  • Increasing the cash and gold payments across a number of different activities including Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events, replays of A Land of Opportunities Missions, Showdown Series modes and more.
  • Reducing the prices of most weapons in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co Catalogue and Gunsmiths. For players that have already purchased weapons at the previous prices, we will automatically deposit the difference to player balances starting today – please look for an alert message the next time you log in to the Red Dead Online Beta to notify you of this change, refunds may take up until December 10th to reach all players.
  • Balancing the values of select pelts, skins and fish as well as horse reviver and pamphlets.

Red Dead Online is still in beta, so shall continue to see improvements, fixes, and balances over time. Rockstar will be paying attention to feedback as they go. And as a thank you, they’re rewarding beta testers with “a gift of RDO$250 and 15 Gold Bars.” The bonus gift should reach all participants no later than December 14th. You have until 12 AM PST, tonight, to be eligible for in-game rewards.

SOURCE: Rockstar Games