Red Dead Redemption 2 Has the Entire Map From the First Game

Practically a Game Within a Game

As more Red Dead Redemption 2 news has spilled into the spotlight, weโ€™ve better grasped the scope of Rockstarโ€™s ambitious title. It looks like that scope is large enough to encompass a game within a game, in a manner of speaking.

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC red dead redemption 2 1280

Dutch website Insider Gamer recently revealed that the entire map of Red Dead Redemption lies within Red Dead Redemption 2. Their Q&A session that featured this info was translated from Dutch and later confirmed by native speakers in the comments section of Reddit. Thus, anyone who owns the first game will gain a sense of nostalgia as they explore some familiar locations in the sequel. One example of is the town Armadillo, which trailer analysts discovered through side-by-side comparisons.

Q: Are Armadillo and New Austin in the game?

A: Yup! After asking Rockstar they told me the entire (!) map of Red Dead Redemption is also in this game, but that of course there are many more areas added. In the six hours I played I only got to see a small part of Blackwater, and even that was already gigantic. Six hours was not enough to see any of the other familiar places.


The apparent size of the game explains why it fills so many gigabytes of hard drive space. Developers have taken the route of GTA V and included the map from its previous game into this one. Some might even say the game is too big, but what are your thoughts? Do you look forward to exploring some of the old locations from Red Dead Redemption? Comment down below.

SOURCE: GearNuke