Pokemon Go Hits You in the Nostalgia With Lavender Town Theme

Reliving a Creepy Pokemon History

Last week, Niantic kicked of their Pokemon GO Halloween-themed event. In the spirit of spookiness, the game witnessed an upsurge of Ghost-type Pokemon. As a special reward for participation, players earned double the candy with every capture. Long-time fans were keen to note, however, that the game had missed something special, something relevant. Where was the Lavender Town theme music.

pokemon go gen 2 update

Lavender Town is a location that first appeared in Pokemon Red and Blue, as well as the animated series. In the game, it was home to a Pokemon graveyard, and where players witnessed one of the saddest and most haunting stories in the series. To boot, the location came with the most foreboding theme music, which would have worked perfectly in the most recent Pokemon GO event. In response to fans, Niantic has brought it back in the mobile phenomena.

Just in time for Halloween, players can listen to the Lavender Town remix as they search for Pokemon and/or candy. The simple stipulation is that it only plays at night, which seems appropriate. While we’re at it, let me remind you that today is the last today to participate in Pokemon GO’s Halloween questline. This Special Research quest leads to an encounter with the Ghost-type Pokemon Spirtomb. Although today, October 31st, is your last chance to grab the quest, grabbing it allows you to pursue the questline even after Halloween ends.

Last but not least, this Saturday Gengar will spawn as a raid boss across all gyms. It’s a last hurrah that will last for three hours, offering trainers the chance to encounter a shiny Gengar. Will you be participating?

SOURCE: ComicBook.com