GTA Online Offers Loads of Cash in the Week of Red Dead 2

A Hangar Full of GTA Rewards

This week in GTA Online, Los Santos offers a sky full of opportunities. Like previous events, players can earn double cash and RP through participation in specific missions and PvP modes. There is also a load of discounts in line with the theme of aviation. Letโ€™s get started.

For the aerial inclined, GTA Online is offering double rewards for participation in the Adversary Mode Dogfight. If aerial combat is not your style, you can pursue extra cash through the Smugglerโ€™s Run Sell Missions. Also, through Terrorbyteโ€™s nerve center, any player can log in, launch a Client Job and collect double cash and RP.

We cannot forget, however, that this week is Red Dead Redemption 2โ€ฒlaunch week. As such, players can still earn GTA$1M for completing the Double-Action Revolver & Stone Hatchet kill challenges. Thatโ€™s $500K per challenge, and thatโ€™s on top of a potential GTA$1M players can receive through pre-ordering. If you log in next week, through your Social Club linked account, another $250K will enter your bank.

Naturally, a new week of GTA Online comes with a new set of discounts. Since the theme of this week is flight, players can save GTA cash on hangar purchases. A plethora of aircraft will also be available at steep discounts. You can view the arsenal of wings down below.

Last but not least, another set of cars is available for discounted purchase. Luxury models include the Declasse Scramjet and Progen T20.

That wraps up the week of GTA Online for October 23, 2018. You have until October 29 to take advantage of discounts and double rewards.

Happy gaming.