Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 Lineup Revealed

Something For Everybody This Year

If you’re a fan of speedrunning, the lineup for Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 has been revealed! There’s an enormous roster of games being covered this year, everything from Octopath Traveler to Doom 64. The event is a heady mix of gleeful fun and noble charity, with the last event raising over two million dollars.

Awesome Games Done Quick 2019

Assuming everything goes as planned, there will be a total of around 184 hours of gameplay being broadcast throughout the event. This will all be crammed into a week, with the event running from January 6th to the 13th. This isn’t the only GDQ event happening either, with the Games Done Quick Express event also happening next month.

GDQ Express will run from October 26th to the 28th. The compressed schedule means not quite as many games will get covered, but there’s still going to be a wide variety of titles taken on that weekend. Personally I’m looking forward to seeing MrLlamaSC take on Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction in only 90 minutes. And with a Sorcerer no less! Utter madness.