Literal Spider-Man Hype Train Discovered in New York City Subway

The Hype Is Real, and You Can Ride It

The Spider-Man hype train has been building for a while now, and itโ€™s coming to a creative head. Sure, PlayStation 4 gamers have every reason to be excited, but Sony is trying to get all of New York City onboard the hype. To that end, theyโ€™ve created a literal hype train with Marvelโ€™s Spider-Man artwork.

You think Iโ€™m joking? Down below, you can get a load of the subway car thatโ€™s emblazoned with the deep red of Spider-Manโ€˜s key art. Thanks to James Stevenson on Twitter for procuring the photos.

Sony has locked in their advertising campaign, and theyโ€™re aware that many PlayStation 4 owners are counting down the days until the gameโ€™s release. After all, weโ€™re just three weeks away from an open-world New York City littered with comic book villains. Therefore, the big company is utilizing every available avenue (or railway) of advertisement to make sure the rest of the world knows: Spider-Man is coming.

Thanks to Mike Brady for the additional subway close-ups.

What are your thoughts on the Spider-Man hype train? Have you pre-ordered your copy of the game? In case you havenโ€™t, donโ€™t forget that pre-orders come with special cosmetic and gameplay bonuses. Until next time,

Happy gaming.

SOURCE: resetera