Road To Battlefield V Full of Free Stuff

Expansions and Gear All Summer Long

In order to prepare for the release of Battlefield V this October, DICE are loading players up with free stuff all summer long. While theyโ€™ve already given away multiple expansions for Battlefield 1, they will be doing so again before the summerโ€™s over. On top of that, theyโ€™ll be giving away gear for use in V when it comes out. In other words, if youโ€™re not still playing BF1, they want you to be.

Battlefield V

These giveaways are happening pretty much every week. If you missed the chance to grab In The Name of the Tsar and Turning Tides earlier this summer, theyโ€™ll be doing it again. In order not to miss such a hot opportunity, you can keep a regular eye on their calendar. As a matter of fact, theyโ€™ll be giving away the Apocalypse expansion later this month.

Once again, the rewards for gear (for both Battlefield 1 and V) change every week, so even if youโ€™re not getting big stuff like expansions, thereโ€™s always in-game rewards to stack up. Thereโ€™s also expansions for Battlefield 4 going out, but not quite as frequently. Alternately, you can keep an eye on the Road to Battlefield V site for even more details. Battlefield V is set for release on October 19th for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

SOURCE: Press Release