These Green Hell Survival Tips Are Fascinating as All Hell

Visually Authentic Graphics Show Players How to Survive the Intense Game

Green Hell is the intense psychological thriller and survival simulator developed by Dying Light and Dead Island talent. Today, the developers released a set of graphics to help brave nightmarish Amazon that lies ahead. Besieged on all sides by endless and lethal nature, players must find ways to cope physically and mentally. To that end, here are some tips.

Green Hell

Did you know that โ€œBullet Antsโ€ can be used as stitches? I didnโ€™t know that; I donโ€™t even know if theyโ€™re real, but it makes for a neat game mechanic. In addition, there are all sorts of lethal curiosities lurking in the nooks and crags of Green Hell. Therfore, players must find several ways to maintain their health and wits. While the forest does come with its share of horrible things waiting to snatch or poison you, it can still be used to your advantage. Hereโ€™s a survey of what awaits.

Green Hellโ€™s announcement came with a small but hard-hitting dose of what developer Creepy Jar has to offer, but hereโ€™s a quick recap of what to expect.

  • Realistic Survival Simulator โ€“ Green Hell puts great focus on realism in both its world building and gameplay. Everything that is crafted or built is necessary for survival, and was consulted on with experts. The Amazon is not a typical forest; threats are literally crawling under your skin.
  • Psychological Thriller โ€“ Waking up in the middle of the Amazon with no recollection of how you got there or how youโ€™ll get out, the hardest battle youโ€™ll face is the fight against yourself and your weaknesses and fears.
  • Fully Alive Amazon Rainforest โ€“ Every effort has gone into recreating the lush world of the Amazon in painstaking detail. An exotic and dangerous place, this jungle is filled with many hazards beyond predators including toxic plants, illnesses and infections, all waiting to bring the player to their demise.
  • Body Inspection โ€“ Dangers lurk around every bend but they also live under your very skin. Paramount to your survival is checking your body for parasites, infections, and wounds. Take care or suffer the consequences.

Early Access for Green Hell on PC will begin later this summer. Stay tuned for updates as they arrive.

SOURCE: Press Release